4 Fun Facts About Squirrels – The Park Acrobat

Grey squirrel perched on tree branch in forest

Squirrels are fascinating creatures that can be found in various parts of the world, including the beautiful landscapes of the United Kingdom. In this article, we will explore some fun facts about squirrels, specifically those seen in the UK.   From their diet and sleeping habits to their impressive climbing abilities and reproductive patterns, squirrels […]

Capture the Perfect Photo of your Hamster

Cute hamster on white bedsheet looking forward

Trying to capture the perfect photo of your little hamster friend can feel like trying to catch a shooting star – elusive, fast-moving, and possibly impossible. But fear not! With a few tricks up your sleeve and a lot of patience, you can snap the perfect portrait that will have everyone oohing and aahing over […]

What Wildlife Will You Spot this Spring?

Young lamb standing in a snowy field

As the temperatures start to rise and the days get longer, spring is the perfect time to get outside and explore the great outdoors in the UK. One of the many perks of this season is the opportunity to see some amazing wildlife up close and personal. From cute baby animals to rare bird sightings, […]

Discovering the Wonders of British Wildlife

Gannet bird perched on cliff overlooking sea

If you’ve ever taken a stroll through the beautiful countryside of the United Kingdom, you’ll know that it’s teeming with fascinating wildlife. From the majestic red deer of the Scottish Highlands to the cheeky red squirrels of the English woodlands, the UK is home to a diverse array of creatures that are sure to capture […]

Common Types of Birds in Gardens and How to Attract Them

European robin perched on a wooden fence

British gardens are a haven for wildlife, and one of the most delightful visitors you can attract are birds. With their vibrant colors and melodious songs, birds bring life and beauty to any garden. Here are some common types of birds you may see in British gardens, along with the types of food you can […]